"Rock and roll" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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Thijs!bot (discussioni | cuntribbuti)
n robot Aggiungo: ar, cs, et, eu, fa, lt, nn Tolgo: hu, mk, sl, sr, uk, zh Modifico: da, eo, fi, fr, it, simple
Robbot (discussioni | cuntribbuti)
n robot Aggiungo: be-x-old, ms, oc, sk, sr, th, zh-min-nan
Riga 13:
[[ar:روك أند رول]]
[[bs:Rock and roll]]
[[ca:Rock and roll]]
Line 34 ⟶ 35:
[[ms:Rock 'n' roll]]
[[nn:Rock ’n’ roll]]
[[no:Rock and roll]]
[[pl:Rock and roll]]
[[pt:Rock and roll]]
[[simple:Rock and roll]]