"Tirata dâ corda" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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nNuddu riassuntu dû canciamentu
Riga 4:
La '''tirata dâ corda''' (o ''tug of war'' ntâ [[lingua ngrisi]]), è nu [[sport]] (o nu [[jocura|jocu]]) chi si tratta di dui squatri chi si cunfruntanu comu na mustra di forza.
Dui squatri di ottu pirsuni ciascunu, chi nzemmula nun hannu essiri superchiu di nu pisu priditirminatu pâ sò classi, si nni mettinu filati a ogni latu di na corda pisanti (di circa 100 millimetri di circumfirenza).
Two teams of eight, whose total mass must not exceed a maximum weight determined for the class, align themselves at the end of a [[rope]] (approximately 10 centimetres in circumference).
Pricisamenti ô centru dâ corda si marca la corda e puru suprâ terra la "linia cintrali" e poi pi quattru metri a ogni latu di sta linia cintrali si marca la corda nautra vota.
The rope is marked with a "centre line" and two markings four metres either side of the centre line.
Lu menzu dâ corda havi a cuincediri câ linia cintrali p'accuminzari lu jocu. Poi quannu l'arbitru grida "tirati!" ogni squatra prova a tirari l'autra squatra versu a sta linia cintrali quantu ca quannu la marca suprâ corda cchiù abbicinu ê soi rivali traversa la linia cintrali li cchiù forti s'hannu vinciutu. Na squatra si pò perdiri la partita puru siddu si fallinu (p'asempiu, siddu nu rivali s'assetti o casca pi terra).
The teams start with the rope's centre line directly above a line marked on the ground, and once the contest (the "pull") has commenced, attempt to pull the other team such that the marking on the rope closest to their opponent crosses the centre line, or the opponents commit a foul (such as a team member sitting or falling down).
S'attrovanu li club dâ tirata dâ corda pi tuttu lu munnu e veni jucatu d'omini e fimmini.
There are tug of war clubs in many countries, and both men and women participate.
[[Image:1904 tug of war.jpg|thumb|250px|Na partita dâ tirata dâ corda ntê [[Jocura Olimipichi]] dû [[1904]]]]
TheComu nu sport wasufficiali partfici ofparti the [[OlympicJocura GamesOlimpichi]] from [[1900]] untilfina ô[[1920]], butma nun cci hass'havi notstatu beendi includedstu sincetempu.
The sport is contested in the [[World Games]]. The [[Tug of War International Federation]] (TWIF) organises World Championships for nation teams biannually, for both indoor and outdoor contests, and a similar competition for club teams.
The term may be used as a [[simile]] to describe a demonstration of brute strength by two opposing groups, e.g. in a war or between two departments of a company. Often, there is a third party who is as the rope in a tug o' war.
[[Image:Tug-of-war.jpg|thumb|250px|Tirata dâ corda]]
Line 26 ⟶ 24:
[[en:Tug of war]]
[[es:Tira y afloja]]