"Òrdini di grannizza" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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n ci misi li culligamenti a (...) supirfici di n'arancia cu chiddu di lu munnu (...) + culligamentu a la simple english wikipedia simple:Order of magnitude
Riga 2:
Si unu pigghia e rici ca ci su cosi ca ianu lu stissu '''òrdini di grannizza''' chissu vulissi significari ca simu in prisenza di nu valuri ca eni "vicinu" a n'autru valuri cu cui eni cumparatu.
Ma si unu cumpara a supirfici di n'[[arancia]] cu chiddu di lu [[munnu]], na pirsuna ca ni capisci di [[matimàtica]] But if one would compare the surface of an orange with that of the earth, one would say the surface of the earth is many ''orders of magnitude'' larger than that of the orange.
Orders of magnitude are generally used to make very approximate comparisons. If two numbers differ by one order of magnitude, one is about ten times larger than the other. If they differ by two orders of magnitude, they differ by a factor of about 100. Two numbers of the same order of magnitude have roughly the same scale: the larger value is less than ten times the smaller value.
Riga 64:
[[pl:Rząd wielkości]]
[[scn:òrdini di grannizza]]
[[simple:Order of magnitude]]
[[sl:Red velikosti]]
[[sr:Ред величине]]