"Geni" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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Libbira traduzzioni di l'articulu in lingua angrisi semprici Gene. (Criazzioni di n'articulu).
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Riga 1:
Li '''geni''' sunu li parti [[trascrizzioni|trascritti]] di lu [[DNA]]. Lu DNA eni na cullizzioni di [['nfurmazzioni]] biuchimichi ca trasportanu tutta l'istruzzioni ppi faciri tutti li [[prutiini]] ca na cellula avi a ffari.<br>
Li geni sunnu na parti nica dû [[ginoma]] (1-1,5% nta l'[[omu]] sunnu chiddi [[traduzzioni|tradotti]]); ogni geni poti cuntiniri macari cchiù nzemi d'istruzzioni, grazzi ô [[splicing alternativu]].<br>
Ogni geni cuntèni nu nzemi singulu d'istruzzioni.<br>
St'istruzzioni di solitu cudificanu ppi nu RNA e/o na prutiina particulari.<br>
Nta l'essiri viventi sissuati a mitati di li geni veni di la [[matri]] e l'autra mitati veni di lu [[patri]].<br>
Li geni sunu passati in iriditati di li ginitori a li figghi e sunu 'mpurtanti ppi ditirminari comu li picciotti s'apprisentanu e si cumportanu (li prupritati biuloggici ca si ciamanu [[finotipu]]).<br>
Li geni anfruenzanu comu a sustanza funziunìa incrusu comu parìmu.<br>
L'uocci, li capiddi e a peddi sunu stabbiliti ntapuru li geni.<br>
Si dici ca li geni anu iffetti ginetici supra a niautri stissi.<br>
Alli voti lu geni eni duminanti.Sometimes, a gene is 'dominant'. Sometimes, it is 'recessive'. For example, let's say a mother only has genes for brown hair and a father only has genes for red hair. The child will [[Biological Inheritance|inherit]] - receive - genes for red hair (from her father) and brown hair (from her mother). The brown hair gene is 'dominant' to the red hair gene. This means the child will have brown hair even though she has genes for both red and brown hair.
A recessive [[Phenotype|trait]] might stay hidden for many [[generation]]s. Let us use the child from the last example. We will call her "Mary". Mary has brown hair but has genes for both red and brown hair. Let us say Mary grew up and married Tom. Tom also has brown hair, but like Mary one of his parents had red hair. This means Tom has genes for both red and brown hair. Mary and Tom would each have a chance of passing either brown or red hair genes to their children. This means that the children of Mary and Tom could have either red or brown hair. This explains why a person might look different from their parents, but look like their [[grandparents]] or [[great grandparents]].