"Assediu di Belgradu" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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[[Image:Battle of Nandorfehervar.jpg|thumb|260px|Lu cummattimentu di Belgradu - na pittura dû sèculu XIX]]
Doppu la [[caduta di Custantinòpuli]] ntô [[1453]], lu sultanu [[OttomanMperu EmpireOttumanu|Ottomanottumanu]], sultan [[MehmedMaumettu II]], wasstava rallyingaggiuntannu hisli resourcessoi insurdati order top'attaccari subjugatelu the [[Kingdomregunu of Hungaryd'Ungarìa]]. HisLu immediate objectiveprimu wasndrizzu theera borderla [[fort]]furtizza cunfinata ([[HungarianLingua language|Hungarianungarisa]]: ''végvár'') of the townpaisi ofdi [[BelgradeBelgradu]] (inpi oldungarisi Hungarianvecchiu: ''Nándorfehérvár''). [[JohnGiuvanni HunyadiHunjadi]], aun noblemannòbbili ande warlord of Wallachian lineage, who fought many battles against the Ottomans in the previous two decades, expected just such an attack.
The siege eventually escalated into a major battle, during which Hunyadi led a sudden counterattack that overran the Turkish camp, ultimately compelling the wounded Sultan Mehmet II to lift the siege and retreat. The siege of Belgrade "decided the fate of Christendom"{{fn|1}}.