"Wiki" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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RedBot (discussioni | cuntribbuti)
n r2.7.2) (robot junciennu: lmo:Wiki
n Pàggina finuta di iditàri. M'ata scusari lu ritardu... ppi piaciri. Grazzi.
Riga 1:
Nu '''wiki''' eni nu tipu di paggina webbi ca pirmetti a chiunqui di criari e iditari i so paggini ca fu strummintatata di [[Ward Cunnigham]]pa prima vota nta lu 1995.<br />
{{WIP|Maurice Carbonaro}}
Nu '''wiki''' eni nu tipu di paggina webbi ca pirmetti a chiunqui di criari e iditari i so paggini.<br />
A palora urigginariamenti vinissi di la lingua Hawaiana e stapissi a significai "viluci" o "vilucità".<br />
Passau nta a tirminoluggìa culloquiale supra a [[internet]] ca stapissi a significari a parula curta ppi "vilòci", "[[Wikipedia]]", "[[Anarchopedia]]", "[[Conservapedia]]" ecc. ecc.<br>
Si quarchidunu scrivi quarchi ccosa ca è sbagghiata, allura n'autra pirsuna ca si n'adduna a ppo canciàri facirmenti.<br>
Lu termini [[website]] that lets anyone create and [[edit]] its [[webpage|pages]]. The word is [[Internet slang]]. The word ''Wiki'' is short for WikiWikiWeb. ''Wikiwiki'' is a word from [[Hawaiian language|Hawaiian]], meaning "[[fast]]" or "[[speed]]". Examples of wiki include [[Wikipedia]], [[Anarchopedia]], [[Conservapedia]] etc.
Ppi stu motivu a pàggina addiventa sèmpri miegghiu ogni vta ca quarchidun a cància.<br>
Si quarchidun s'arricrìa a scrìviri quarchi cosa sbagghiata ppi sfìzziu allura l'amministraturi u bloccanu accussini iddu nun ppo cchiu participàri.<br>
Purtroppu a maggiuritati dei participanti è anonima picchi s'anu virificatu spessu uffisi gràvi versu autri pirsuni ca s'arriggistrarru cu lu veru nomi e cugnomi.<br>
I pirsuni pònu màcari fàrisi na parrata supra a "pàggina i discussioni" in qustioni accussì ca i pirsuni capisciunu i còsi miegghiu.<br>
Li Wiki pònu ssiri utilizzati ppi robbi diffirènti e tutti li wiki nun anu i stissi rèuli.<br>
Every wiki can be changed, or edited by everyone, although some important pages cannot be changed by anyone. Wikis are central places where we all can share information with each other, people can add new information, and then people read them. Wikis allow information from all around the world to be collection.
Ppa isempiu lu scopu di Wikipedia è chiddu di scrìviri [[articulu|articuli]] ppi criàri n'inciclupidia nta tutti i lincui canusciuti.<br>
In a wiki, people can [[write]] pages together. If one person writes something wrong, then the next person can correct it. The next person can also [[add]] something new to the page. Because of this, the page gets better whenever someone changes it. If someone writes information that is very obviously wrong, and the person actually wanted to vandalise, it would be changed by administrators, and the person will not be able to change the wiki anymore.
People can discuss there as well. [[Discussion]] can make people understand things better, or gives people a chance to tell their views. In Wikipedia the [[talk]] pages are for that, but in some wikis, the article and the discussion are in the same page.
Wikis can be used for different things and all wikis don't follow the same rules for using them. For example, the purpose of Wikipedia is to write [[article]]s, which form an [[encyclopedia]]. That's why in Wikipedia, people don't want to hear general discussion that doesn't help in writing articles.
[[Ward Cunningham]] started the first wiki in March [[1995]]. Many people liked the place and wrote there, after which they started similar websites.
[[Catigurìa:Internet slang]]
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