"1984 (libbru)" : Diffirenzi ntrê virsioni

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Riga 1:
'''''Nineteen Eighty-Four''''' fu nu [[rumanzu]] scrittu ri [[George Orwell]] nto u 1948. TheLu mainpirsunaggiu charactercintrali iseni [[Winston Smith]], whoca livesbbita innta "Oceania", undersutta theu rule[[cuviernu]] ofro The"U PartyPattitu" ande Bigu Brother"Granni Frati". HeLu becomespirsunaggiu friendsaddiventa withamicu thecu characterlu carattiri O'Brien. HeIddu alsos'innamura falls in love withri Julia, whoca hatesodia Biglu Brother"Granni andFrati" Thee Party."Lu Pattitu"
Lu travagghiu ri Winston eni ri scriviri canciamenti a l'articuli e i storie ri ddu tiempu. Ma nto [[libbru]], nudu e utorizzatu a virri li canciammenti viecci, oppuri a pinzari a comu erunu scritti prima, o attrimenti si trovanu nta mbruogghi. N'autra cosa ca s'annustrianu ri fari eri tagghiari i paruli cumplicati ra lingua [[ngrisi]] e canciarili nta paruli cchiù [[semplici]] accussì ca i pissuni nun sa ponu firari a ddivintari cchiù sperti o pinzari nta na maniera cchiu prufonda. Ppa esempiu, a parola [[cani]] significa [[cani]] sulu picchi lu Pattitu rici accussini. Nun su auturizzati a aviri famigghi, ma autri pirsuni ca abbitanu luntanu ro u sistema ci anu cchiu libbirtati, e su cchiamati ''proles''. No u stiessu tiempu, nta autri parti ro munnu, su nizziati guerri ppi tèniri i gghienti mpignati e nun pinzari assai. Li parti in guerra alli voti si scancianu, ma quannu u fanu, fanu finta ca nun ci fuorri canciamenti e ca i fazzioni su sempri i stissi. Chissu significa ca tutti l'articuli ri gghiurnali e i libbri ri storia ana ssiri canciati ri pissuni comu a Winston ca nun su auturizzati a pinzari a chi stanu faciennu. Chissa era a ddi tiempi na visioni tirribbili ri coomu a vita avissi pututu addivintari supra u pianeta nto u "1984", cosa ca s'avvirificau sutta certi spetti nta l'Italia ccu [[Berlusconi]].
Winston's job is to write revisions (changes) to articles and [[news]] stories all the time. But in the [[book]], no one in Oceania is ever allowed to look at the old changes, or even think about them again, or else they will be in big trouble. Another thing they are trying to do is cut all the hard words out of the [[English language]] and change it to make it more [[simple]] so that people will not be too smart or think too hard. For example, the word [[dog]] means dog only because the Party says so. They are not allowed to have families, but other people who live on the outside of the system have more freedoms, and are called ''proles''. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, large [[war]]s are being fought to keep the people busy. The sides in the wars sometimes change, but whenever they do, they pretend there was no change and that the sides were always the same. This means that all the articles will have to be changed by people like Winston who aren't supposed to think about what they are doing. It is a terrible vision of what life could be.
==PoliticalSatira satirepulitica==
Orwell ciappi l'idea ppo u rumanzu quannu s'addunau ca li gghiurnali [[Londra|lundinesi]] ciappiru a sfruntatizza ri dire duranti a [[Sicunna Guerra Mundiali]] comu i riservi ri cibu fussiri migghiurati mentri nun era veri e li riservi stapiunu diminuennu ogni iornu ca passava. Ccu a so cunuscenza ro Socialismu Riali (ruoppu ca vissi nta l'[[Unioni Suvietica]] ppi cinqu anni) accuminzai a scriviri satira pulitica ri comu avissi pututu addivintari a situazzioni britannica no ggiru ri cinquant'anni abbuffunniannu chiddi ca circaunu ri limitari a libbirtà ri parola, ri stampa e di applicari lu rivisionismu storicu.<br>
Orwell got the idea for the book when he noticed in the newspapers of [[London]] that they listed how much the country's supplies improved during [[World War II]] when they were actually very low on supplies and getting worse everyday. With his knowledge of Communism (after living in the [[Soviet Union|Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]] for five years) he started writing a political satire of the possible condition Britain in 50 years. It is still debated today whether he wrote it in [[1934]] or [[1948]], but the believed date today is [[1948]]. The book mainly satires [[Communism]] with a dystopian society. Although Orwell agreed with socialism, he hated communism.
== U Novu Linguaggiu (Newspeak)==
Lu Novu Linguaggi (o "Newspeak" nta lingua ngrisi) enu nu linguaggiu ca George Orwell strummintau sulu ppi utilizzarilu nta lu libbru ''1984''. Eni lu linguaggiu ufficialil ri Oceania. A fini ro su rumanzu, George Orwell ci iunciu na discrizzioni nica ro "novu linguaggiu". Accumunzau comu lingua ngrisi, ma li paroli addivintavunu cchiù curti a ogni annu ca passava. Lu "Pattitu" cecca ri fimmari li pirsuni ri arribbillarisi, e picciò addistruggi paruli comu "[[libbirtati]]" e "amuri", riciennu ca i pirsuni nun ponu pinsari a sti cosi picchini nun ce na parula ca i discrivi. Ppa esempiu na pirsuna nun putìa diri "Vuogghi essiri libbiru", picchini nun esistìa cchiù (ppo u Pattitu) na parola ppi "libbirtati", e accussini a pirsuna nun putìa addiscriviri cchi sintìa no so cori e nta i so sintimenta. Lu "Novu Linguaggiu" eni macari utilizzatu ppi mutivazzioni militari, comu lu Ministeru ra a Paci Ri l'Oceania (nta u Novu Linguaggiu: "Minipax"), ma cchi nta viritati era lu Dipartimentu ra a Guerra. Autri paroli ro "Novu Linguaggiu" su ''joycamp'', ca significa "campu ri travagghiu furzatu". Autri paruli ro o "Novu Linguatggiu" su utilizzati ppi mutivazzioni pulitichi. Paruli comu "''crimethink''" ("pinzari criminali") fuorri addifiniutu ro u "Pattitu" e addivintarru li lieggi ro u tirritoriu.
In the end of "Nineteen-Eighty Four," Winston is admitted into the Ministry of Love, the dreaded prison of Oceania. While he dwells there, he suffers torture and constant surveillance by four inescapable telescreens. The only place he is safe is in his own mind, which he soon loses control over, as well. O'Brien, the character he believed he was in an allience against the Brotherhood with, betrayed him and ends up being his questioner. Winston must submit to the questioning for any hope of living. He struggles with the bond of love he made with Julia, and the thought of whether or not she betrayed him. When, in the end, Winston is faced with the prospect of his worst fear destroying him (and I mean this literally - A cage filled with rats is attached to Winston's head so that they can eat his face), he caves in. He dies as just another member of the Party.
"Newspeak" is a language that George Orwell invented just for the use in ''Ninteen eighty-four''. It is the official language of Oceania. At the end of his book, George Orwell added a short description of Newspeak. It started out as the English language, but the number of words gets smaller each year. The "Party" is trying to stop people from rebelling, so it destroys words like "freedom" and "love", saying that people can not think of it if there is no word for it. For example, a person couldn't say "I want to be free", because there was no word for "free" any more, so the person could not describe what he or she was feeling. "Newspeak" is also used for military reasons, such as Oceania's Ministry of Peace (in Newspeak: "Minipax"), really the [[war]] department. Another "Newspeak" word, ''joycamp'', means "forced labor camp". Other "Newspeak" words were used for political reasons. Words like "''crimethink''" were defined by the "Party", and became laws of the land.