Utenti:Michiluzzu Scalisi/English/Hiatus first group

First Group cancia

The first group consists of vowel clusters that recieve the stress either on the first vowel or on neither one. This group contains the first two types.

First Type cancia

The first type in this group consists of the strong vowels, e, a or o, which, as I said above, can receive the stress either on the first vowel or on neither. If the stress falls on the first vowel, the second cannot be either e or o, because these unaccented vowels do not exist in Sicilian. The same also applies when the stress does not fall on either vowel, neither can be e or o.

Cluster Example Esempio Example IPA
ea galiléa galilea /ɛɐ/
aa Nausicaa /aɐ/
oa óasi oasi /ɔɐ/

Second Type cancia

The second type in this group consists of strong and weak vowels, in any order, which, as I said above, can receive the stress either on the first vowel or on neither. If the stress falls on the first vowel, the second cannot be either e or o, because these unaccented vowels do not exist in Sicilian. The same also applies when the stress does not fall on either vowel, neither can be e or o.

Cluster Example Esempio Example IPA
ii talíi aprii /iɪ/
ia tia pia /iɐ/
iu riunire /iʊ/
ui cui cui /uɪ/
ua tua /uɐ/