Utenti:Michiluzzu Scalisi/English/Note 1

Note 1 cancia

C has three pronunciations, depending on its placement within a word and whether or not it's written single or double. They are the following:

Letter Pronunciation Example Pronunciation Significato italiano Meaning in English
c [hard] /k/
+ a ca /ka/ che that
+ o comu /'kɔmʊ/ come how, as; what
+ u cui /'kuɪ/ chi who
+ hi chistu /'kiʃtʊ/ questo this (one)
+ he Micheli /mɪ'kɛlɪ/ Michele Michael
c [soft] /ʃ/
+ i cintrata /ʃɪn'tɹatɐ/ siesta nap, siesta
+ e cera /'ʃɛɾɐ/ sedia chair, seat
cc [soft] /tʃ/
+ i picciriddu /pɪttʃɪ'ɾiɖɖʊ/ bambino baby (boy)
+ e cc'esti /'tʃɛʃtɪ/ c'è there is