Hi Leonard I just wanted to say thanks for all the help with the interwikis - it's much appreciated. When there are so few of us, it's extremely hard to stay on top of these sorts of activities. Salutamu. --pippudoz 11:27, 16 Maiu 2005 (UTC)

Dear Leonard - Caru Liunardu cancia

You are welcome ! (De rien !)

No Leonard, you speak very well French, I understood everything that you said me. (Non Leonard, tu parles bien le Français, j'ai tout compris.)

What national language do you speak ? German ? Dutch ?... (Quelle langue parles-tu ? Allemand ? Néerlandais ?...)

For learning the sicilian language, it is not a problem at all ! (Pour apprendre le Sicilien, ce n'est pas un problème du tout !)

You can study the sicilian basis of grammar, into this wonderful website : (Tu peux apprendre les bases de grammaire sicilienne dans ce merveilleux site :)


Yeah, perhaps, you will help us still. Thanks in advance for your help. (Oui, peut-être vas-tu encore nous aider. Merci d'avance pour ton aide.)

I had not forgotten to put the pictures+captions. I could not manage to do it. (Je n'avais oublié de remettre les images+légendes. Je ne parvenais pas à les faire.)

I thank you. (Je te remercie.)

Your first name Leonard is said "Liunardu" in sicilian. (Ton prénom Leonard se dit "Liunardu" en sicilien.)

And your sicilian diminutive forms are Nardu, Narduzzu. (Et tes diminutifs siciliens sont Nardu, Narduzzu.)

Best regards (Sincères salutations)


Re-checking Fimmina cancia

Liunardu, virificai la to' traduzzioni dâ "liggenna". Sugnu d'accuordu. (Leonard, I checked your translation of the caption. I'm OK.)



Prubbrema cu li "templates" cancia

Ciau Liunarduzzu,

Aiutu ! iu nun arriniscii a mettiri li "templates" nta la paggina


La funti è :


E nun sacciu comu fari pi cupiari curittamenti li "templates" (di la rubbrica taliana "Coordinate del colore rosso") a partiri di

"Lo Spettro elettromagnetico" ... sinu a "Porpora"

Grazzî di l'aiutu lestu (Picchi accamora la paggina è na picca laria, e truncata.)


Ciau Liunardu - you are right that we should have the one page for Enna (Castrugiuvanni) and Caltanissetta (Nissa) - while I am confident that these are the true Sicilian forms of these towns, I wanted to do one last double check with everyone. I'll quickly write something up on Lu Circulu - thanks again for everything you are doing. I should add - I always hoped that we would stumble across an experienced wikipedian who was of Sicilian descent, didn't necessarily speak Sicilian, but who wanted to help us set things up right - and here you are!! Salutamu. --pippudoz 12:24, 22 Maiu 2005 (UTC)

    • Hai raggiuni - mi scurdai. Arricogghiri = raccogliere = to gather, harvest, collect, etc. Ma - la forma riflissiva, arricugghirisi = radunarisi, o rincasare. Allura, picchì ju era fora di casa pi quarchi jorna, ora mi haiu arricugghiutu! Quannu era carusu, mè patri mi dissi quannu mi ritornavu a casa, forsi nanticchia mbriacu, "finalmenti, ti hai arricugghiutu!" - which could be translated literally (and with some accuracy) - so you've finally picked yourself up and dragged yourself home! (implying also - at this ungodly hour) --pippudoz 12:59, 22 Maiu 2005 (UTC)

Rigiuni cancia

Ciau Liunardu - good pick up - I don't think there is a true correct form, if you know what I mean - maybe I will put it to everyone rather than decide myself. In truth, it's not really a sicilian word at all. What I can say is that the dictionary of La Rocca does show: Regiuni - which I am not convinced about, but it does lend weight to rigiuni, which would be more "sicilian". Piccitto doesn't seem to have the word at all, but the norm does appear that -ggi- is more common than -gi-, e.g. rigginali=originale; rigginu=ricino; riggistrari=registrare; riggitu=rigidu, etc. However, there is a modern trend to turning the traditional sicilian double BBs, GGs and ZZs to single B, G and Z. So this is more a policy question for all of us to decide. I prefer sticking to real Sicilian than italianised forms (which gets back to a question you recently asked me which I will also respond to tonight). I'll write a note in Lu Circulu, and I'll advertise it in my next e-mail to the group. Salutamu. --pippudoz 10:06, 27 Maiu 2005 (UTC)

I forgot to mention - I am quite comfortable with locu rather than luocu. If you look at our Wikipedia:Cumpenniu Stilisticu, you will see that we generally avoid dipthongs in favour of pure vowells. The dipthongs occur in a few parrati - including Peppi's which is why you will see it very often in what he writes. But Peppi is such a prolific writer that we forgive him his little idiosyncracies:-)

Nun c'è cchiù quarchi prubbrema cu li templates cancia

Ciau Liunardu,

Comu stai ? Asperu ca sî bonu. Macàri iu.

Ti vogghiu arrigrazziari pi lu tô aiutu accussî lestu pi lu mettiri di li "templates" ntâ paggina :


Grazzia a tia, ora sacciu comu fari pi cupiarilli currittamenti.

Stasira, e sta nuttata, staiu travaggiannu ntâ Uicchippidia...

Iu ricivii, arcuni iorna fa, nu missaggiu di Pippu D'ANCIULU, e iddu mi dissi ca nuautri, miembri dâ Wikipedia siciliana, fussimu iunti quasi a lu nummaru di middi articuli uicchippidisti-sicilianufuni !!! Quinni, iu sugnu ccà p'aiutari.

Forsi a chiù tardi !



Lu tô missaggiu è bonu scrittu assà cancia


È difficili nzignarisi lu Sicilianu ? Sî na picca, veru è. Ma la vuluntati e la passioni fannu miraculi ! (ahî ! staiu vistemmiannu... Pirdunu Signuruzzu !)

Ai tantu raggiuni, Liunardu, lu cursu di lu sicilianu-miricanu è veru bonu !

Accamora (=momentaneamente), siddu nun ài abbastanti di lu vucabbulariu siculu, poi accuminzari di sicilianizzari assà li palori taliani (ma nun è na suluzzioni durabbili pirchi lu sicilianu nun è nu dialittazzu), e supratuttu simurtaneamenti ài a liggiri tanti articuli d'aùtri Uicchippidisti sicilianufuni (particularmenti chiddi nativi e ca campanu ancura nta l'isula nostra). St'articuli vannu a essiri ricchi assà di termini siciliani tipici (quinni nun taliani). Ai a agghiuttiri, ài a agghiuttiri (cu lu liggiri di sti palori). A picca a picca la lingua siciliana cu lu sô riccu nummaru di palori ti vai a nzignari.

Comu dicinu li famusi pruverbi francisi :

"Adaciu ma sicuramenti !"(-> "Lentement mais sûrement" !) "Furgiannu, s'addivinta nu firraru !"(-> "En forgeant, on devient forgeron" !) (Cioè "Forgiando, si diventa fabbro !")

You can be convinced that your sicilian sentences are very correct ones ! La tô scritta siciliana è veru bona. Nun ti fiermari.

A prestu

Bona sira Liunardu

Salutamu --Sarvaturi

Cridu ca sti dui paggini parranu dâ stissa cosa.

    • Pirfettu! Bravu. Hai raggiuni - l'accucchiu a prestu. Salutamu. --pippudoz 01:17, 31 Maiu 2005 (UTC)
    • Ciau Liunardu - picchì nun ni hai mai parratu di wikifratellenza? Poi mintiri nu missaggiu ntô circulu - spiciarmenti stu fattu di fistiggiari 1.000 articuli. È na cosa bona avvisari tutti ca pu 1.000esimu articulu, nni vulemu unu bonu, e no nu stub! Salutamu.--pippudoz 04:29, 31 Maiu 2005 (UTC)
      • mi pari na bona idia (festa dâ qualitati) - salutamu. --pippudoz 11:39, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
fattu! --pippudoz 08:37, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)